
Note: Sometimes my publications show "David Hayes", "D. Hayes", "D. A. Hayes", or "D.A. Hayes".

Peer reviewed

LGCC: A Novel High-Throughput and Low Delay Paradigm Shift in Multi-Hop Congestion Control

P. Teymoori, M. Welzl, D. A. Hayes

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 32(1), Open Access, 2024 Feb, pp. 761--776

Proxy Path Scheduling and Erasure Reconstruction for Low Delay mmWave Communication

D. A. Hayes, D. Ros, O. Ytrehus

IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 27(6), 2023 Jun, pp. 1649--1653

Investigating predictive model-based control to achieve reliable consistent multipath mmWave communication

D. A. Hayes, D. Ros, Ö. Alay, P. Teymoori, T. Vister

Computer Communications, vol. 194, 2022, pp. 29--43

Reliable Consistent Multipath mmWave Communication

D. A. Hayes, D. Ros, Ö. Alay, P. Teymoori

MSWiM '21, Proceedings of the 24th International ACM Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, ACM, 2021

Estimating an Additive Path Cost With Explicit Congestion Notification

P. Teymoori, D. A. Hayes, M. Welzl, S. Gjessing

IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 8(2), 2021 Jun, pp. 859--871

Online Identification of Groups of Flows Sharing a Network Bottleneck

D. A. Hayes, M. Welzl, S. Ferlin, D. Ros, S. Islam

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 28(5), 2020 Oct, pp. 2229--2242

On the importance of TCP splitting proxies for future 5G mmWave communications

D. A. Hayes, D. Ros, Ö. Alay

Proceedings of IEEE 44th LCN Symposium on Emerging Topics in Networking (LCN Symposium), 2019, pp. 108--116

Shared Bottleneck Detection for Coupled Congestion Control for RTP Media

D. A. Hayes, S. Ferlin, M. Welzl, K. Hiorth

RFC 8382, Internet Engineering Taskforce (IETF), 2018 Jun

ctrlTCP: Reducing latency through coupled, heterogeneous multi-flow TCP congestion control

S. Islam, M. Welzl, K. A. Hiorth, D. A. Hayes, G. Armitage, S. Gjessing

Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2018 Apr, pp. 214--219

Evaluating CAIA delay gradient as a candidate for deadline-aware less-than-best-effort transport

T. Tangenes, D. A. Hayes, A. Petlund, D. Ros

Proceedings of the 2017 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops, 2017

A framework for less than best effort congestion control with soft deadlines

D. A. Hayes, David Ros, Andreas Petlund, Iffat Ahmed

Proceeding of the 2017 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops, 2017 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops, 2017 Jun

NEAT: A Platform- and Protocol-Independent Internet Transport API

Naeem Khademi, David Ros, M. Welzl, Z. Bozakov, A. Brunström, G. Fairhurst, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, D. A. Hayes, Per Hurtig, T. Jones, Simone Mangiante, M. Tüxen, Felix Weinrank

IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 55(6), 2017 Jun, pp. 46--54

Reducing Internet Latency: A Survey of Techniques and Their Merits

B. Briscoe, A. Brunström, A. Petlund, D. A. Hayes, D. Ros, I. Tsang, S. Gjessing, G. Fairhurst, C. Griwodz, M. Welzl

IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 18(3), 2016, pp. 2149--2196

Even Lower Latency, Even Better Fairness: Logistic Growth Congestion Control in Datacenters

P. Teymoori, D. A. Hayes, M. Welzl, S. Gjessing

Proceedings of IEEE 41st Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2016 Nov, pp. 10--18

Feedback in Recursive Congestion Control

D. A. Hayes, P. Teymoori, M. Welzl

Proceeding of the European Performance Engineering Workshop, 2016 Oct, pp. 109--125

Revisiting congestion control for multipath TCP with shared bottleneck detection

Simone Ferlin Oliveira, Ö. Alay, T. Dreibholz, D. A. Hayes, M. Welzl

Proceedings of The 35th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, 2016 Apr, pp. 1--9

Managing real-time media flows through a flow state exchange

S. Islam, M. Welzl, D. A. Hayes, S. Gjessing

Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2016 Apr, pp. 112--120

Practical passive shared bottleneck detection using shape summary statistics

D. A. Hayes, Simone Ferlin Oliveira, M. Welzl

Proceedings of the 39th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2014, pp. 150--158

Improving HTTP performance using "stateless" TCP

D. A. Hayes, M. Welzl, G. Armitage, Mattia Rossi

Proceedings of the International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), 2011, pp. 57--62

Multimedia-unfriendly TCP congestion control and home gateway queue management

L. Stewart, D. A. Hayes, G. Armitage, M. Welzl, Andreas Petlund

Proceedings of the ACM conference on Multimedia systems (MMSYS), 2011

Revisiting TCP Congestion Control Using Delay Gradients

D. A. Hayes, G. Armitage

Proceedings of IFIP Networking, 2011 May, pp. 328--341

Improved coexistence and loss tolerance for delay based TCP congestion control

D. A. Hayes, G. Armitage

Proceedings of IEEE Local Computer Network Conference (LCN), IEEE Local Computer Network Conference, 2010 Oct, pp. 24--31

Issues with network address translation for SCTP

D. A. Hayes, J. But, G. Armitage

ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review,, vol. 39(1), 2008, pp. 23--33

Scheduling disciplines for multimedia WLANs: embedded round robin and wireless dual queue

Ravindra S. Ranasinghe, L. Andrew, D. A. Hayes, D. Everitt

Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications. Conference (ICC), 2001 Jun, pp. 1243--1248

Impact of flow control on quality of service driven packet scheduling disciplines

D.A. Hayes, M. Rumsewicz, L.L.H. Andrew

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications , vol. 2, IEEE, 1999 Aug, pp. 1454--1459

Quality of service driven packet scheduling disciplines for real-time applications: looking beyond fairness

D. A. Hayes, M. Rumsewicz, L. Andrew

Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 1999 Mar, pp. 405--412

Dual queue approach to improving network performance during transient congestion episodes

D. A. Hayes, L. Andrew, M. Rumsewicz

Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), 1998, pp. 51--56

Other publications

Next Steps for draft-irtf-iccrg-tcpeval-01

D. A. Hayes, Tom Henderson, Mohit P. Tahiliani

IETF 119 Proceedings , Brisbane, Australia, 2024 Mar

Transport-Layer Architecture for the Internet H 2020-ICT-05-2014 Project number : 644334 Deliverable D 4 . 3 Validation and evaluation results

Z. Bozakov, A. Brunstrom, D. Damjanović, Kristian Evensen, G. Fairhurst, A. Hansen, Fredrik Haugseth, D. A. Hayes, T. Hirsch, T. Jones, Naeem Khademi, P. McManus, Andreas Petlund, David Ros, Tomasz Rozensztrauch, R. Santos, Daniel Stenberg, M. Tüxen, E. Vyncke, Hugo Wallenburg, Felix Weinrank, M. Welzl


Transport-Layer Architecture for the Internet H 2020-ICT-05-2014 Project number : 644334 Deliverable D 3 . 2 Final Report on Transport Protocol Enhancements

A. Brunstrom, G. Fairhurst, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, D. A. Hayes, Per Hurtig, Naeem Khademi, David Ros, Irene Rüngeler, M. Tüxen, Felix Weinrank, M. Welzl


Deliverable D3.2 - Final Report on Transport Protocol Enhancements

Karl-Johan Grinnemo, A. Brunstrom, G. Fairhurst, D. A. Hayes, Per Hurtig, Naeem Khademi, David Ros, Irene Rüngeler, M. Tüxen, Felix Weinrank, M. Welzl


Deliverable D3.1 - Initial Report on the Extended Transport System

Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Z. Bozakov, A. Brunstrom, Maria Isabel Sanchez Bueno, D. Damjanović, K. Evensen, G. Fairhurst, A. Hansen, D. A. Hayes, Per Hurtig, Naeem Khademi, Simone Mangiante, A. Mohideen, Mohammad Rajiullah, David Ros, Irene Rüngeler, R. Santos, R. Secchi, T. Tangenes, Micheal Tüxen, Felix Weinrank, M. Welzl


Deliverable D3.3 - Extended Transport System and Transparent Support of Non-NEAT Applications

Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Z. Bozakov, A. Brunstrom, Maria Isabel Sanchez Bueno, Thomas Dreibholz, K. Evensen, G. Fairhurst, A. Hansen, D. A. Hayes, Per Hurtig, Mohammad Rajiullah, T. Jones, David Ros, Tomasz Rozensztrauch, M. Tüxen, E. Vyncke


Congestion Metacontrol to achieve a Deadline Aware Less than Best Effort service

D. A. Hayes, David Ros, Andreas Petlund, Iffat Ahmed, Lars Erik Storbukås, Hugo Wallenburg

IETF 100 Proceedings, Singapore, 2017 Nov

Report on prototype development and evaluation of end-system, application layer and API mechanisms

D. A. Hayes, R. Secchi, A. Brunstrom, P. Hurtig, N. Kuhn, S. Islam, M. Rajiullah, G. Fairhurst, A. Petlund, N. Khademi, I. Ahmed, J. Markussen, B. Briscoe, K. De Schepper, R. Barik

D. A. Hayes, 2015

Internet Latency: Causes, Solutions and Trade-offs

D. A. Hayes, I. Tsang, D. Ros, A. Petlund, B. Briscoe

Special Session on Reducing Internet Latency at the European Conference on Networks and Communications, 2015 Jun

Shared Bottleneck Detection for Coupled Congestion Control for RTP Media Update (draft-hayes-rmcat-sbd-02)

D. A. Hayes, S. Ferlin, M. Welzl

IETF 92 Proceedings, Dallas, US, 2015 Mar

Common TCP Evaluation Suite

D. A. Hayes, D. Ros, L. Andrew, S. Floyd

Internet Research Task Force (IRTF), 2014

A Survey of Latency Reducing Techniques and their Merits (work in progress)

B. Briscoe, A. Brunstrom, D. Ros, D. A. Hayes, A. Petlund, I. J. Tsang, S. Gjessing, G. Fairhurst

Proceedings of the ISOC Workshop on Reducing Internet Latency, 2013 Sep

Delay-based Congestion Control for Low Latency

D. A. Hayes, D. Ros

Proceedings of the ISOC Workshop on Reducing Internet Latency, 2013 Sep

Evaluating the FreeBSD 9.x Modular Congestion Control Framework's Performance Impact

D. A. Hayes, L. Stewart, G. Armitage

CAIA Technical Report Series, 101022A, 2011

Improving DNS performance using "Stateless" TCP in FreeBSD 9

D. A. Hayes, Mattia Rossi, G. Armitage

CAIA Technical Report Series, 101022A, 2010

Literature Review Series: Delay/Rate based Congestion Avoidance in TCP

D. A. Hayes

CAIA Literature Review Talk Series, 2009

Alias sctp Version 0.2: SCTP NAT implementation in IPFWUntitled

D. A. Hayes, J. But

CAIA Technical Report Series, 081128A, 2008

SCTP NAT Automatic Test Utilities

D. A. Hayes, J. But

CAIA Technical Report Series, 081128B, 2008

Alias sctp Version 0.1: SCTP NAT implementation in IPFW

D. A. Hayes, J. But

CAIA Technical Report Series, 080618A, 2008

Un published


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