RITE: Reducing Internet Transport latEncy

This EC Horizon 2020 framework project looked at the problem of latency in the Internet. Apart from ground breaking research, the project also worked with the IETF to standardise (or begin the many year process of standardising) different aspects of the research.

Project pages for further information


This project was the reason I came to Norway! I worked on it with a team from the University of Oslo.


Online Identification of Groups of Flows Sharing a Network Bottleneck

D. A. Hayes, M. Welzl, S. Ferlin, D. Ros, S. Islam

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 28(5), 2020 Oct, pp. 2229--2242

Shared Bottleneck Detection for Coupled Congestion Control for RTP Media

D. A. Hayes, S. Ferlin, M. Welzl, K. Hiorth

RFC 8382, Internet Engineering Taskforce (IETF), 2018 Jun

Reducing Internet Latency: A Survey of Techniques and Their Merits

B. Briscoe, A. Brunström, A. Petlund, D. A. Hayes, D. Ros, I. Tsang, S. Gjessing, G. Fairhurst, C. Griwodz, M. Welzl

IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 18(3), 2016, pp. 2149--2196

Shared Bottleneck Detection for Coupled Congestion Control for RTP Media Update (draft-hayes-rmcat-sbd-02)

D. A. Hayes, S. Ferlin, M. Welzl

IETF 92 Proceedings, Dallas, US, 2015 Mar

Practical passive shared bottleneck detection using shape summary statistics

D. A. Hayes, Simone Ferlin Oliveira, M. Welzl

Proceedings of the 39th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2014, pp. 150--158

A Survey of Latency Reducing Techniques and their Merits (work in progress)

B. Briscoe, A. Brunstrom, D. Ros, D. A. Hayes, A. Petlund, I. J. Tsang, S. Gjessing, G. Fairhurst

Proceedings of the ISOC Workshop on Reducing Internet Latency, 2013 Sep

Delay-based Congestion Control for Low Latency

D. A. Hayes, D. Ros

Proceedings of the ISOC Workshop on Reducing Internet Latency, 2013 Sep


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