NEAT: A New, Evolutive API and Transport-Layer Architecture for the Internet

This EC Horizon 2020 framework project aimed to change the way applications interacted with the network stack, allowing them to use advanced transport protocol improvements without having to be rewritten. This also allows the transport layer to more easily adopt new technologies and innovations. A key element in this project was working with standards bodies (especially the IETF) to standardise the new innovative architecture.

Project pages for further information


I helped write the successful grant proposal for this project and was thrilled to work on it with a team from Simula Research Laboratories.


Transport-Layer Architecture for the Internet H 2020-ICT-05-2014 Project number : 644334 Deliverable D 4 . 3 Validation and evaluation results

Z. Bozakov, A. Brunstrom, D. Damjanović, Kristian Evensen, G. Fairhurst, A. Hansen, Fredrik Haugseth, D. A. Hayes, T. Hirsch, T. Jones, Naeem Khademi, P. McManus, Andreas Petlund, David Ros, Tomasz Rozensztrauch, R. Santos, Daniel Stenberg, M. Tüxen, E. Vyncke, Hugo Wallenburg, Felix Weinrank, M. Welzl


ctrlTCP: Reducing latency through coupled, heterogeneous multi-flow TCP congestion control

S. Islam, M. Welzl, K. A. Hiorth, D. A. Hayes, G. Armitage, S. Gjessing

Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2018 Apr, pp. 214--219

Transport-Layer Architecture for the Internet H 2020-ICT-05-2014 Project number : 644334 Deliverable D 3 . 2 Final Report on Transport Protocol Enhancements

A. Brunstrom, G. Fairhurst, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, D. A. Hayes, Per Hurtig, Naeem Khademi, David Ros, Irene Rüngeler, M. Tüxen, Felix Weinrank, M. Welzl


Deliverable D3.2 - Final Report on Transport Protocol Enhancements

Karl-Johan Grinnemo, A. Brunstrom, G. Fairhurst, D. A. Hayes, Per Hurtig, Naeem Khademi, David Ros, Irene Rüngeler, M. Tüxen, Felix Weinrank, M. Welzl


Deliverable D3.1 - Initial Report on the Extended Transport System

Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Z. Bozakov, A. Brunstrom, Maria Isabel Sanchez Bueno, D. Damjanović, K. Evensen, G. Fairhurst, A. Hansen, D. A. Hayes, Per Hurtig, Naeem Khademi, Simone Mangiante, A. Mohideen, Mohammad Rajiullah, David Ros, Irene Rüngeler, R. Santos, R. Secchi, T. Tangenes, Micheal Tüxen, Felix Weinrank, M. Welzl


Deliverable D3.3 - Extended Transport System and Transparent Support of Non-NEAT Applications

Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Z. Bozakov, A. Brunstrom, Maria Isabel Sanchez Bueno, Thomas Dreibholz, K. Evensen, G. Fairhurst, A. Hansen, D. A. Hayes, Per Hurtig, Mohammad Rajiullah, T. Jones, David Ros, Tomasz Rozensztrauch, M. Tüxen, E. Vyncke


Evaluating CAIA delay gradient as a candidate for deadline-aware less-than-best-effort transport

T. Tangenes, D. A. Hayes, A. Petlund, D. Ros

Proceedings of the 2017 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops, 2017

Congestion Metacontrol to achieve a Deadline Aware Less than Best Effort service

D. A. Hayes, David Ros, Andreas Petlund, Iffat Ahmed, Lars Erik Storbukås, Hugo Wallenburg

IETF 100 Proceedings, Singapore, 2017 Nov

A framework for less than best effort congestion control with soft deadlines

D. A. Hayes, David Ros, Andreas Petlund, Iffat Ahmed

Proceeding of the 2017 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops, 2017 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops, 2017 Jun

NEAT: A Platform- and Protocol-Independent Internet Transport API

Naeem Khademi, David Ros, M. Welzl, Z. Bozakov, A. Brunström, G. Fairhurst, Karl-Johan Grinnemo, D. A. Hayes, Per Hurtig, T. Jones, Simone Mangiante, M. Tüxen, Felix Weinrank

IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 55(6), 2017 Jun, pp. 46--54


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