LUCS: Learning to Understand and Control nation-wide Smart grids of energy prosumers

As LUCS project leader, I worked with other consortium members to develop suitable courses and programs for the summer schools and workshops in the last two years of the project. This was especially challenging due to the COVID pandemic, but achieved the following successes

  • April 2021 PhD Workshop, virtual due to the pandemic. (see news item ).

  • September 2021 PhD Summer School, “Green Computing meets Green Energy”. In-person event restricted to European participants due to the pandemic. Held in Lille, France (see news item).

  • March 2022 PhD workshop. In-person event held in Munich, Germany (see news item).

  • End of August 2022 PhD Summer School, “From Energy Systems to Energy Justice”. In-person event open to worldwide participants. Held at Sundvollen, Norway. (see new item).

See project description for a more detailed description.


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